to be asked to 意味

  • to be asked to


  1. he seems to be asked to meet orthopedic in l & p
    L&Pの整形外科で 診てもらっていたそうよ。➡
  2. people said , ' motsugai ' s praying for rain works well ,' so every time when the dry weather lasted , motsugai came to be asked to pray for rain by farmers .
  3. the story is that a girl being born from a bamboo shoot comes to be asked to marry by sons of a feudal lord , but she refuses them giving difficult tasks , and she is wedded to a man whom she has loved for a long time in the end; especially the number of treasures in the scene of courtship , the treasures themselves , conversation with the men , and the ending are quite similar to taketori monogatari .


        accosted and asked:    《be ~》お声がかかる
        asked a question:    《be ~》質問{しつもん}を受ける
        asked for details:    《be ~》詳細{しょうさい}を求められる
        asked for money:    《be ~》金を要求される
        asked out:    《be ~》招待{しょうたい}される
        asked out to:    《be ~》誘われる
        asked price:    言い値、指し値{さしね}、提示値段{ていじ ねだん}、売呼値、売り気配呼値
        asked quotation:    売り気配
        asked rate:    売り相場、売値{うりね}
        asked to be present at:    《be ~》~に出席{しゅっせき}するよう頼まれる
        asked to leave:    《be ~》退場{たいじょう}するよう求められる
        asked to login:    《be ~》ログインすることを求められる
        asked to name:    《be ~》名付け親を頼まれる
        asked to remain in:    《be ~》~にとどまることを求められる
        asked to resign:    《be ~》諭旨免職{ゆし めんしょく}になる


  1. "to be arranged" 意味
  2. "to be arrayed" 意味
  3. "to be arrested" 意味
  4. "to be arrogant" 意味
  5. "to be as firm as rock" 意味
  6. "to be assiduous in one's business" 意味
  7. "to be assigned" 意味
  8. "to be associated with" 意味
  9. "to be astir" 意味
  10. "to be arrogant" 意味
  11. "to be as firm as rock" 意味
  12. "to be assiduous in one's business" 意味
  13. "to be assigned" 意味

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